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My Story

Ever since I can remember, I have been a both a dreamer and a hard-worker, pondering the big questions in life:

Who am I?
What is it to be human?

How do I live with purpose?
How do I make my life count?

In the end, this is why I have many streams of creative output as I realise that we are not finite beings,

instead, a conscious energy that wishes to create and move and flow. 

Modelling was something I only dreamed of when I was young:

to embody elegance, only for a chosen few. 

As I grew into my self, I realised that every day I can choose grace and elegance,

bringing grace into all that I do, along with compassion, connection and purpose. 

I wish to live the most purposeful life, and help others pursue their dreams and live with purpose, through my work as a life-coach, healer and writer too. You can find out about my other work at: 

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